THE SIENNA -500KHz-30MHz All-mode Transceiver Kit

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Sienna base price: $1199 U.S. List (Model S-100, remote-control receiver)


Before we look at options, check out the standard features!

  • 2.4KHz 4-pole Inrad crystal filter at the 9MHz 2nd IF (upgradeable to 10-pole 2.4kHz, or 8-pole 2.8kHz)

  • 20KHz ceramic filter at the 455KHz 3rd IF (plus two more in the FM detector) and a wide selection of optional Inrad and Collins filters (4 for each IF total) ranging from 5.8KHz to 125 Hz, accessible by removal of a bottom cover plate

  • 15kHz 4-pole crystal roofing filter at the 70.000MHz 1st IF (upgradeable to 4.5kHz @70.455MHz version for better close-in BDR)

  • Two 10dB RF preamps, one 10dB attenuator and PassiveSignalBoostTM (bypasses bandpass filters in the front end for reduced loss, to really pull in the weak ones)

  • +/-1ppm TCXO (30MHz) with 10-turn pot adjustment

  • 455KHz broadband IF output drives many spectrum analyzers, even the venerable Heathkit SB-620!

  • Built-in calibration reference - Transmitter BFO can be fed into main antenna iuput with cal/rcv switch in "cal" position, which inserts an attenuator in the line such that a 50uV signal is fed into the receiver for calibration of the S-meter

Picture from edge of RxBPF board, showing cal/rcv switch and main and receive antenna inputs.

  • Noise blanker with three pulse widths and variable threshold

  • Separate headphone and speaker amplifiers, both active simultaneously with separate volume controls

  • Off, fast, slow, auto AGC settings

  • 147 total memories: 85 user-changeable non-volatile memories (10 per major band, 5 per WARC band, 5 60M channels, 5 general purpose) preset to the ARRL bandplan (European, Asian, military and government bands also downloadable), plus one scratchpad memory which always wakes up on WWV. Memories accessible via optional external keypad or PC.  Five VFO-A memories per band, on each of 10 bands. One VFO-B memory. Each VFO memory maintains frequency, mode, filter and tuner settings. 10 12-character CW memories

  • Scan from any memory (in 85-memory group) to any other memory OR from VFOA to VFOB in programmable frequency steps, with 5 programmable S-meter trigger levels and dwell times

  • RS-232C interface

  • Over-voltage, under-voltage, over-current, reverse polarity protection

  • Anderson Powerpole DC input connectors with included pre-wired adapter for a power supply

  • Room to insert a battery (sealed lead-acid batteries available at Batteries Plus) or 100W amplifier inside

  • Center-mounted fan draws air in from sides to cool controller and front panel, cools transmitter when it is added

  • Firmware upgradeable via download from web (and if you have the optional internal PC, it can be done directly from the rig, with the LAN port connected to the web!)

  • Superior industrial design - good-looking, rugged compartmentalized aluminum and steel chassis with captive fasteners, polycarbonate multi-color front panel (3 color choices available), high quality parts, and on front panel models, a heavy machined aluminum tuning knob with thumb indent, backlit analog meter(s), uncluttered control layout


  • Front Panel kit ($699 U.S. List)

    • Analog backlit meters, one for receive, one for transmit functions

    • Handsome blue-green vacuum fluorescent graphics display (Noritake 256x64)

    • Single level menu system with simple, intuitive controls and text legends

    • Headphone jack with separate volume control from speaker

    • Lighted pushbuttons with positive, non-"squishy" feel

    • Two velvet-smooth rotary pulse generators for main and auxiliary tuning

    • Front Panel PC board, steel panel, polycarbonate overlay and all discrete parts, goes together quickly

    • Add to any Sienna model at any time

  • Controller upgrade Option 1 ($200)
    When upgrading an S-100 model from a receiver to a transceiver, you must replace your controller board with the transceiver model. This option allows you to return your original controller. The enhanced controller includes the transmit VFO, keyer and keypad support. You can also order this option with an S-100 or SF-100 model so you won't have to exchange it later.

  • Controller upgrade Option 2 ($600)
    When upgrading an S-100 model from a receiver to a transceiver, you must replace your controller board with the transceiver model. This option allows you to keep your original controller as a spare, and buy a new transceiver-compatible controller. The enhanced controller includes the transmit VFO, keyer and keypad support.

  • Receive bandpass filters ($20 each, or $185 for a full set)
    Up to 11 snap-in bandpass filters remove unwanted signals from the front end. If you order the AM filter (option 205), the broadcast band bandpass filter is included free. (Offer not valid when the full bandpass filter set is purchased.) Otherwise, select a filter for each band you want to cover: 0.5-1.8, 1.65-3.0, 2.9-4.0, 3.75-6.75, 6.0-9.0, 8.5-10.5, 9.5-11.5, 10.5-16.0, 14.0-20.0, 18.0-25.0, and 24-34 MHz.

    Our exclusive "Passive Signal Boost" feature lets you bypass any uninstalled filters, so you don't have to have any. But you will hear increased noise level and possibly undesired out-of-band signals without them.

  • Test Board ($100 new, returnable for $75 credit; $75 for a refurbished unit [if available], non-returnable)
    This assembled and tested board allows you to test the IF Filter Board and RXBPF board prior to stacking them with the Receiver board. Required option for receiver models to provide cable termination, voltage measurement and fan control. Optional with transceiver models.

  • 70.455MHz 4.5kHz roofing filter ($125 U.S. List)
    For enhanced receiver performance on CW and SSB (A highly recommended option!)

  • 10W all-mode transmitter kit ($699 U.S. List)

    This 10W transmitter board is pre-loaded with SMT parts. You add all the through-hole parts, such as transistors, connectors, crystals, transformers, toroids and power transistors (which you also attach to the heatsink that is mounted to the back).

    • Requires controller board upgrade if ordered as a receiver-transceiver upgrade

    • RF speech processor

    • Mic jack (8-pin Yaesu pinout, with balanced mic connection to Tx board)

    • Gas discharge protected A/B/Rx antenna inputs

    • Keyer (manual and paddle inputs active simultaneously) with front panel or remote control of sidetone volume, pitch, speed, dot weight and dash weight, plus CW Spot and CW PTT. Iambic A, Iambic B and Ultimatic modes supported

    • Manual and paddle key inputs on front and back panels

    • Split mode operation - cross-band, cross-mode (VFO A and B can have different frequency, mode, filter and tuner settings)

    • RIT/XIT controls have +/-16MHz range with no degradation of transmitter or receiver performance. If you're not changing mode, this can be a handy way to do cross-band split without having to go into split mode.

    • Support for Yaesu FH-1, FH-2 or similar external 12-button keypad included, with Memory/Split mode, direct band entry and CW message buffer activation without changing modes in a menu

    •  fixed 2.5kHz 12th-order Chebyshev crystal filter for SSB

    • fixed 5kHz 7th-order Chebyshev crystal filter for AM/ESSB

    • 1mW transverter output

    • Full metering of SWR, forward and reflected power, PA voltage and current, ALC and compression

    • full-duplex operation (transmitter runs independently of receiver)

    • CW spot function disables transmitter and allows you to adjust the pitch control to match the signal being received, or to use keyer for code practice without touching the RF power control

    • fast, silent QSK with programmable delay (min 1ms)

    • CW PTT function available via menu option [PTT signal required before key is recognized]; PTT input available on Mic connector and RS-232 DTR line, with RTS available as a keying input. Also, full break-in delay can be set as low as 3ms, and full duplex mode keeps receiver on even during transmit (transmit signal feeds through if you are listening on your transmit frequency)

    • external amplifier I/O: band, txgnd, alc (0 to -5V), +12V@200mA, tx enable

    • Tx disabled outside amateur bands, AND when operating outside your license privileges "Out of band!" error message in display lets you know when you've tried to transmit on a frequency outside your license limits. (Select your license class in a menu item). Band limits for various countries, MARS, CAP, military, government, etc., will be downloadable from our web site. Proof of license required to download alternate transmitter limits.

  • 100W amplifier kit ($399.00 U.S. List )
    Includes two-speed thermistor-controlled fan outputs. 100W CW, 100W PEP SSB, 25W carrier power on AM and FM. Requires transmitter option.

  • Antenna Tuner kit ($189.00 U.S. List)
    The internal tuner kit consists of 7 toroids, 7 silver mica capacitors, Polythermaleze magnet wire and 14 high current relays which you mount on an existing board within the unit. A switched-L-style matching network tunes 6-800 ohm unbalanced antenna impedances via the antenna A/B SO-239 antenna connectors at full rated power. Not intended to match long-wire antennas without baluns. Internal memory stores 200 tuner settings including antenna A/B. Retunes automatically every 32kHz. Memory recall is instantaneous. Tuning time for worst case match is 54 seconds. Typical match occurs in <3 seconds. 8A relays can take a lot of punishment, but power is automatically limited to 10W during tune. Existing L/C settings visible in menu. Forced retune on previously tuned band segment also selectable.

  • Internal fanless PC ($899.00 U.S. List)
    1 GHz Celeron, 8G CF running Windows with SiliconPixels ChromaDSP software (also can run Linux, but no additional software is bundled). Includes internal ATX power supply, steel shield and all required power and audio interface cables.


  • Internal High Performance PC ($1499.00 U.S. List)
    2 GHz Core 2 Duo, 2G high speed RAM and FSB, 8G CF running Windows with SiliconPixels ChromaDSP software  (also can run Linux, but no additional software is bundled). Includes internal ATX power supply, steel shield and all required power and audio interface cables.

  • Secondary all-mode receiver/spectrum analyzer (Sienna's internal PC option supports control of external ICOM PCR-1000/1500/2500 or RFSpace SDR-IQ) ($499-599 typical)

  • External keypad (support for Yaesu FH-1, FH-2 or equivalent, $99 typical)

NOT AN SDR! The Sienna is a tried and true analog design using its own microprocessors, complemented by an optional internal PC. No waiting for the PC to boot before you can operate the radio.

Optional internal PC adds: Digital modes, graphical display on any size VGA, ability to use logging and remote control software right on the rig, Ethernet control, mic processing, audio DSP (autonotch, NR, adjustable audio filters and more), Digital Voice Recording and playback, "infinite" alphanumeric voice and CW message memories and more. Runs Linux or Windows XP. Internal PC option has these benefits over use of an external PC:

1) No interface boxes for level matching and isolation (needed on most rigs)

2) Less desk space and cable clutter

3) No need to transport your main PC when you take the rig portable

4) No virus protection needed. (If connected to the Internet, we recommend use of a router and enabling the XP firewall, but there's no need to run virus protection on it - all that does is slow it down)

5) No PC in the shack? No problem! We've done the work of connecting it, installing software and eliminating electrical noise for you

6) Easy upgrades! 1G or 2G SODIMM ram is accessed easily from the bottom and 8G CompactFlash from the back panel on slide-out tray, and the entire PC is on one removable board.

Don't get locked in to proprietary designs and simple "scrolling text" displays - the internal PC gives you access to lots of free or inexpensive software to do all sorts of things, limited only by your imagination. Plus, if you like Linux, this is the only rig on the planet that can run it! Memory is accessible from a removable cover plate on the bottom, and the CompactFlash card with the O/S (Windows XP version only) is accessible from the back panel. The PC has a standard "biscuit" form factor and is upgradeable - as new models become available, we will offer them as upgrades.

Want a 12V VGA display to go along with the PC for complete portable operation from batteries? We recommend the Xenarc 1020YV (see below). It's a 10.2" widescreen monitor with up to 1024x768 resolution that fits nicely on top of the Sienna and can be folded down for transport. A touchscreen version is also available.